Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I got to shoot for parts of two days over in south Alabama before a horde of 11 great photographers descended for 3 full days and I got too busy to do much shooting of my own.  As a group, we photographed at least 38 plant species, 9 bugs, 20 reptiles & amphibians,  24 bird species, and 1 mammal species.

This is a shot of a leaf on a Tracy's thread-leaved sundew just beginning to uncoil (kind of like a fern fiddlehead).  Except these little hairs are covered with sticky sap trapping small invertebrates for the plant to digest.  This little guy was in a bog with lots of other carnivorous plants, 3 orchids, and all kinds of other neat stuff!

Nikon D300s, Dine 105 mm, f/5.6, 1/200th second, ISO 640, natural light, tripod, cropped slightly.


Jeff said...

Nice sharp picture with a great job on the background, Jeff

Mr. Mysterious said...

Interesting looking little thing, nice shot.