Monday, April 9, 2012

Gray Treefrog on a Magnolia

I was headed back inside the house on the banks of the beautimous Tchoutacabouffa River yesterday afternoon, and the "bark" on a southern magnolia moved & attracted my attention.  It was  gray treefrog.  The evening light was good, so I got a few shots of the little fellow, including this one where you can see the yellow of it's inner legs that it may flash to confuse or distract a potential predator as it leaps away.

Nikon D300s, Lester A. Dine 105 mm macro, f/5.6, 1/250th second, ISO 1000, handheld, natural light, cropped slightly for composition.


Mrs. Fakename said...

That's a great looking little guy. Did he try to confuse or distract you at any point?

Photobiologist said...

I STAY confused & distracted... He did try to confuse me when I tried to get him to "pose". He eventually capitulated and let me get this shot (and a few more...).