Sunday, July 1, 2012

I went back Sunday morning and  took these. This gator was not going to have anything to do with this show and after being dragged out of the water to the demonstration area jumped up and said "I ain't doing this" and took off and went back into the pond. The same thing happened with two gators and the third one cooperated with Jimmy. They said today that there were about a dozen gators and one crock in the pool. The front end of the gator actually came off the ground when it opened his mouth and jumped at Jimmy.


Mr. Mysterious said...

Nice shots, Jeff!

Photobiologist said...

That gator must have a bad attitude because he (or one of his buddies) did the same thing with Scott yesterday afternoon. You sure captured the action well!

Mr. Mysterious said...

I didn't notice the first time I looked that the gator was trying to get off the ground. I believe he was trying to get his point across - leave me alone!

Mrs. Fakename said...

Thanks for sharing Jeff! I wasn't able to make it but hopefully I'll be able to make it to the meeting this week. :)