Monday, June 11, 2012

Courting Gray Treefrog

All this rain moving across the Deep South has the wet weather ponds filled with water & the breeding amphibans out in force.  This gray treefrog (along with 100+ of his buddies & several other species of frogs & toads) was out in the dark last night calling for a mate.

A few more shots & more descriptive commentary here:

Nikon D300s, Lester A. Dine 105 mm,  f/11, 1/60th second, ISO 200, tripod, off-camera flash as main light, slight crop to enhance composition.


Mrs. Fakename said...

I bet they sure were noisy. We had tons in our backyard and I'm sure even more in the creek behind the fence.

Jeff said...

Very nice shot! Looks like he has a mouth full of chewing tobacco, Jeff