Sunday, July 29, 2007

Nutties Go Online

July 29, 2007: Now we Nutties have our own blog, for posting pictures, learning, and whatever else we feel like.

This blog is currently set to be viewable by the general public. At a future meeting, we can discuss how this blog could be changed for the better.

Hereby ends my first post.


labmaw said...

Love the Photo!!!!


Mr. Mysterious said...

Thanks, Rhonda! You can see it bigger if you click on it, which you may have already discovered.

labmaw said...

Am I blogging now?

I still haven't gotten to a point to use the password.
You know I don't know what I'm doing.


Gayle said...

I'm here!! I'll play around with this and see how it works.

labmaw said...

Hello Gayle.


labmaw said...

Do I know HeeHaw???


Mr. Mysterious said...

Rhonda, these are comments to my first blog, so to actually do some real live blogging, you sign in on this page (and I would bookmark it):

then click the "+ New Post" link at the top left of the rectangle at the top.

Heehaw is Roy.

labmaw said...

Roy Clark = HeeHaw

Why couldn't I figure that out?? LOL!!

Jan said...

Hi All,

I am new to blogging. So, just have to remember to check posts.

Thanks Mark, the converter to get Elements 5 worked.

Now, I would like to know if there is a preferred book that I should buy on Elements 5?

The one I bought has some good information in it, but the command and drop down menus don't match the software. The author is Scott Kelby.


margann said...

Hi, Ann here. "Margann" is a combo of my first name (Margaret) and middle name. I'm looking forward to learning the ins and outs of blogging:)

Mr. Mysterious said...

Hey Ann. Hey Jan.


I don't care much for Scott Kelby's books, they tend to be "Tips 'N Tricks" types, at least the ones I've seen so far.

Go to and type in "Elements 5", you'll get a 3 page list.

The 15th one, by Deke McClelland, is the one I'd get if I were you.

Mr. Mysterious said...

Jan, I see it's not a book (I have one of his, and he's top notch), but a 13 hour video DVD set.

$99 is pretty steep, but I think it'd be worth it. You'd learn 100 times faster.

Here are several chapters of it that you can view for free:

Jan said...


Thanks for the info. Will think about the DVD set. I know I would learn more, quicker with the DVD than trying to read the book, but $99.00 is a little high right now.
